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Human Rights in Kashmir

A meeting and seminar titled Human Rights in Kashmir was organised at Portcullis House by APPG on TWS in light of recent alleged human rights violations by India in Kashmir hosted by Dave Anderson MP and chaired by Mushtaq Lasharie. The chief guest of the evening was Pakistan’s Member of National Assembly & JUI-F leader, Ml Fazlur Rehman, who has also been the chairman of the Kashmir Committee, Pakistan.
Anas Sarwar MP, Shadow Minister for International Development, welcomed all and started by setting the scene. He said that freedoms that we have here and enjoy, the people of Kashmir cannot. “We will not stop speaking up for those who do not enjoy those freedoms”, he continued. He said it was a duty for the international community to ensure that the dream and principles are developed there [in Kashmir]. 

Lord Qurban Hussain said that Ml Fazlur Rehman has an important role as chairperson on Kashmir in resolving the matters and is highly respected both in India and Afghanistan. The current government should use his skills to better relations. As a member of the party that is currently part of the government, he confirmed that the issues have been raised in both houses of the parliament in the UK i.e. the Commons and the Lords. He went on to say that he prays and hopes that Ml Fazlur Rehman can bring India back to the talking table with Pakistan since it was disappointing to see that India walked away due to Pakistan consulting with Kashmir, which has a huge stake in the outcome.

H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, the newly arrived Pakistan High Commissioner to the UK, began by giving a historical backdrop to the Kashmir dilemma saying that the international community made several promises, through the UN Security Council, of self-determination, but Kashmir has not been provided that. They have been denied their human rights and the commitments need to be met, he implored. Pakistan stands with Kashmir, despite its issues, and stands resolute behind Kashmir with our support. We will not shirk away from dialogue, but it should not be deemed as a weakness, he warned. Speaking on relations with India, he said that the people of our countries deserve better. The Pakistan government wants to resolve this and move on. His closing comments reflected on the huge pressure that has been put on the British government and that should be continued to ensure their rights are afforded to them. 

Toaha Qureshi MBE, Chairman FIRD, said that there is a need to initiate a movement with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation for it to help and facilitate the overall freedom of Kashmir. The OIC can become a body that exert the right pressure and gain the backing needed for such an important international matter. Just as Scotland was given the chance to choose its own future, so too should Kashmir. There is also a need for the international community, especially the British Pakistanis, to counter the negative press regarding the issue. There must also be letters written to local MPs and councillors to represent the views of the public.

JUI-F leader Ml Fazlur Rehman commenced by explaining the reasons behind the Kashmiri plight. Kashmiris are fighting for their rights because they have been so wrongly denied them. They have been fighting for these rights, which everyone deserves, for years on end. Pakistan’s position is that it is a disputed area and Kashmir should have the right to choose their own future for themselves. 

India does not want self-determination for Kashmir but no country is with them, according to Ml Fazlur Rehman. “I have had confidential meetings as an international affairs committee chair with many countries (in Africa, Middle East etc.) that they should have this right but publicly they will not support Pakistan”. The resolution in 1993 was withdrawn because Pakistan did not get support from international community due to their own interests, despite agreeing with us.

History shows that Pakistan has not boycotted a single talk, but India has done this numerous times, he said. He explained his discontent at the international community, who once said that there is a need for composite talks, now saying that Kashmir is a bilateral issue between Pakistan and India.

The usurping of power from Kashmiris has resulted in wars. India went to UN for a resolution, but they have now changed their position. Ban Ki Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, has said himself that he is ready to resolve this issue. Countries such as China have offered their services to act as mediators in the process. He ended his keynote thanking the British parliament for raising the issue of Kashmir and not forgetting their plight.


Ml Fazlur Rehman and other community leaders were hosted by Toaha Qureshi MBE prior to the seminar.

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