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A Palace of Westminster Tour: 14 November 2017

This tour is kindly being hosted by Mike Freer MP, a Conservative member of Parliament. It is being organised by Umar Mahmood and Edward Butler Ellis of the Conservative Party. This will include a Q&A with Mike Freer MP, followed by a tour of: •Westminster Hall, •Committee Rooms, •St. Stephen’s Hall, •Central Lobby, •House of Commons.

EVENT: A Palace of Westminster Tour

DATE: Tuesday 14 November 2017
TIME: 6.30PM onwards (please arrive at 6pm to allow for 20 minute airport style security checks)
VENUE: House of Commons (exact location to be disclosed closer to the date)
RSVP ESSENTIAL: umar.mahmood@fird.org.uk
Kindly RSVP immediately via text or email with your name and organisation. Please feel free to share the invitation.

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